Monday, July 30, 2007

Eye passed this Bike Lane End sign that happened to be juxtaposed next to the Eyeglass Factory and thought that is a fine statement. I have been mystified with bike lanes mysteriously ending. even in this case on Milpas street, there needs to be a bike lane all a long the street. The traffic is very dangerous to ride with unless you take up your lane. That doesn't always go over well with the drivers and causes it's own issues. I know it is important to keep traffic moving along, but there might actually be less traffic if bikes could get around easier and safer. Doesn't anyone understand this or are they all blind?! Now you get what I saw in this juxtaposition?
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Anonymous said...

When a biker comes across such a sign, he or she is supposed to whip out the cell phone and call someone to come out to that location and help transport the person and the bike to a new location where the bike lane starts again. See? So logical!

Anonymous said...

Great post. Looking forward to more of your observations. Bicycles are the best mode of transport for MOST santa barbara trips. How come so many are blind to this. Here's to clearer vision in the years ahead. See you on the bike path,

Don Lubach

Edward France said...

Make Milpas Bike Safe! Dead end bike lanes may be common place in Los Angeles but SB can do better. Let's face it: our bike paths are located mostly on underused roads where it is convinient to put a bike path. Meanwhile Milpas takes a ton of bike traffic (its difficult to avoid) and it is totally unsafe. Let's get some 'sharrows' at the least.

Great observation & photo